Our Story
The Twelve Step House was conceived as a means of helping alcoholics practice the A.A program. In this program, each person is charged with the responsibility of “carrying the message,” that is, helping someone else who has a drinking problem.
Since 1958. uncountable numbers of A.A. meetings have been held in the rooms of The Twelve Step House. Since we have moved into our present property in 1973, our facilities have also been made available to Alanon, Alateen and NA groups.
Hundreds of suffering men have been residents of the House. While not all of these men have successfully remained sober, the fact remains that they did have the chance to work for their own rehabilitation. Some of the men who have come to the House in crying need have remained sober and are now members of the Board of Trustees, helping to insure that other men will have the same opportunity they were once given.
We are entirely dependemt upon the donations of the time and money of its membership. Each group contributes what it can and no questions are asked. Our facilities available are exactly the same regardless of the amount contributed. These donations from completely autonomous A.A. groups form the backbone of our financial structure. In addition to group donations, expense money is collected from the Coffee "Kitty" and soft drink machine.
The Twelve Step House "needs help to give help." Please consider becoming a House Sponsor to support this cause.

Become a House Sponsor
Share your strength and hope! For just $15 a month you can support the House. We need help to give help.