Men's Recovery Residence
The potential new resident is interviewed by a member of the House Committee in the presence of his new A.A. friends, his House sponsors. The rules and regulations of the House are explained to him and his responsibility to the House and other Residents are clearly defined.
Accent is placed on the fact that this is NOT A CHARITY HOUSE. There is a price on everything in life, including one’s own rehabilitation. The new Resident is given to understand this.
His presence in the House is admission of his willingness to accept the principles of the A.A. program in action, in thought, and in deed. Therefore, he will have a ready guide of behavior to which to cling during his stay in the House.
Housekeeping chores are assigned to each man and he is expected to contribute his fair share of work. Wholesome family-style cooking is prepared by the Custodian or some other authorized member of the House. The usual K.P. duties are expected to be shared equally by all the Residents of the House.
After work details are finished and if there are no A.A. meetings in progress, the new man is furnished copies of A.A. literature and is expected to read and apply what he has read. This constant living with A.A. twenty-four hours a day, as opposed to the “dumping in a hotel room alone” is perhaps the prime benefit the man may expect from living in the House.
Daily communication and counseling his A.A. sponsor still remains the chief support the new man will receive while in the House. However, should additional counseling and explanations be necessary, the House Custodian and Board Members assigned as House Sponsors will make every effort to aid the new man, without conflicting in any way with the efforts of the A.A. sponsor.
Living in a sheltered atmosphere, surrounded by other men like himself who are trying to rehabilitate themselves, has proven to be a prime factor in the new man’s early struggle for sobriety.

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